Make more placements and grow your income

We bring the clients. You bring the talent.

Benefits of working with us
No more cold calls
Access fillable job orders without searching job sites and making endless cold calls to find new business.
Earn more money
Recruiters, on average, earn more than $10,000 per hire in our marketplace.
Job recommendations
Hireify instantly matches you to ready-to-fill positions based on the roles, industries, and geographies you specialize in.
Feedback on candidates
We ensure our clients provide timely feedback on submissions and interviews so you can focus on recruiting and getting more placements.
Instant updates
Instant updates will be sent to you when your candidates are viewed, when there are comments or questions about them, and when interview requests are received.
Monetize your candidate pool
We automatically match your candidates to new jobs, then notify you, so you can resubmit and increase your chances of getting a placement with less effort.
We love recruitment agencies

We built hireify to champion niche recruitment agencies, as well as help employers have access to the best recruiters in their industry.

We aim to democratize the industry by enabling specialist recruiters access to openings that traditionally may have gone to larger agencies.

Join our select network of recruiters

Step 1
Apply to join our network. First, we'll meet with you to discuss your experience and niche specialties. Then, we'll determine if we're a good fit together.
Step 2
Upon approval, you'll gain access to the platform, and our AI will automatically match you up with jobs you specialise in.
Step 3
Our easy-to-use platform allows you to submit candidates, schedule interviews, and ask questions.
Step 4
The placement fee is deposited into your bank account upon completion of the guarantee period.

Join more than 500 smart employers